Photobomb and changes

Intensive day with workouts, interior shopping, clean our apartment, beauty appointment and soon movie night with my boyfriend and his nephew and niece. So I have to start to make some taco soon.
Last week I quit my job. B e s t T h i n g E v e r. For two years now, I have done something I really didn't feel comfortable with or liked at all for that matter. So I thought, It's time to do a change; and so I quit. A week later, yesterday in fact, I signed contract for a new job, and I'm so excited! :-) It's definitely not a dream job, but it is a change, which I needed. And I still looking for other part-time jobs to combine with this new job. I start in two weeks, and I think I will actually like it :-) But these two weeks I'm unemployed and I've got lot of time to do these other stuff. And I love to fill my days so they're intesive and always busy!
The photos are from this weekends photoshoot with my friend Lena. Visit her blog at!
Shoes, Novita
Tunic, Monki
Cape, Åhléns
Black racoon fur, Hollies
Clock, Omega vintage (heritage)


1 Lena:


Så jäkla snygga bilder!! Så kul att vi är igång med både fota och träning!! Gullig du är som länka mig <3

2 Amanda Asklund:


Gud vad fin du är!

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