long time, no see

27 January 2017, 01:49
Klänning - Lindex, Jeansjacka - ONLY, Skor - DinSko
Sååå, bloggen prioriteras inte just nu, ska försöka ändra på det.. minns inte ens när jag senast fotograferade.. Så här kommer lite bilder jag hittade ifrån i slutet av sommaren, yaay!
Just nu händer det mycket, hade uppemot nio olika jobb förra året och detta året verkar inte ha börjat annorlunda. Mycket spännande saker som jag snart publicerar! I helgen väntas jobb och träning.. och kanske lite plannering och fotogrfering för att få igång bloggen igen. Varje nytt tag är välkommet!
Hoppas er första månad på det nya året vart nice, njut varje minut..
Puss och godnatt!!

Are you with me

21 July 2016, 06:50
Outfit på mig häromdagen, byxor - Åhléns, Wera Stockholm (här) / blus - Åhléns, Wera Stockholm (här) / jacka - Vila / skor - Din Sko, Xit / klocka - Michael Kors (här) / ringar - Edblads
Hade en fantastisk dag igår i solen! Åkte iväg med min Maikel, solade, badade och hade det så mysigt från morgon till kväll :) Idag är det 10 timmars jobb som väntar, mår sådär, känner mig halvt sjuk så vi får se hur det här går!
Snart är helgen här igen, helt sjukt vad veckorna går, hoppas ni har en bra vecka allesammans, puss från mig :)

Photobomb and changes

28 October 2015, 19:07
Intensive day with workouts, interior shopping, clean our apartment, beauty appointment and soon movie night with my boyfriend and his nephew and niece. So I have to start to make some taco soon.
Last week I quit my job. B e s t T h i n g E v e r. For two years now, I have done something I really didn't feel comfortable with or liked at all for that matter. So I thought, It's time to do a change; and so I quit. A week later, yesterday in fact, I signed contract for a new job, and I'm so excited! :-) It's definitely not a dream job, but it is a change, which I needed. And I still looking for other part-time jobs to combine with this new job. I start in two weeks, and I think I will actually like it :-) But these two weeks I'm unemployed and I've got lot of time to do these other stuff. And I love to fill my days so they're intesive and always busy!
The photos are from this weekends photoshoot with my friend Lena. Visit her blog at lenasvanberg.blogg.se!
Shoes, Novita
Tunic, Monki
Cape, Åhléns
Black racoon fur, Hollies
Clock, Omega vintage (heritage)

Working the fur

08 October 2015, 17:57
A little photoshoot last week with my friend Lena, who takes gorgeous pictures! Check out her blog at lenasvanberg.blogg.se for beautiful pics and updates about fashion.
Today's update is all about the fur. One of my most precious piece of clothing. And not just because of it's beauty and it's perfect way to accessorize an outfit. But also beacuse of it's softness and, at this time of year, it's warmth. No piece of clothe can make a relatively bare and cold outfit so warm, just by adding it, as the fur. Especially at night when you're going out, and maybe you're wearing a lillte black dress, heels, thin pantyhose and a little jacket maybe. You are gonna freeze my friend, but add a fur and you'll stay warm much longer! And let's not forget how gorgeous, timeless and chic the fur is...
Now I'm soon off to workout with my man. Today we're gonna do some boxing, perfect way to kickstart an awesome afternoon! Stay updated my firends :)
Trousers, United colors of Benetton
Shirt, Vero Moda
Cape, Åhléns
Black racoon fur, Hollies 
Shoes, Billi Bi
Bag, K. Cobler
Clock, Omega vintage (heritage)

Trying to recall

05 October 2015, 07:14
Good morning my friends. It's Monday and I'm soon off to work. I really don't like my work at the moment, so I have to figure out what to do, soon. But for today, it's work and ballet class. I hope you all are having a wonderul Monday morning my loves :)
Trousers, United colors of Benetton
Shirt, Vero Moda
Jacket, Vila Clothes
Shoes, Billi Bi
Bag, K. Cobler

The falling leaves of red and gold

27 September 2015, 18:48
Autumn has arrived, with colder weather and it's beautiful trees with colorful leaves! Today has been a beautiful day with more sunshine than in a long time, so me and my friend took walk and took some photos of course. Other than that, me and my boyfriend started out our day with american pancakes and tidying up our apartment.
Tomorrow I start a new job, at a new pre-school. It's full-time, so I won't have time for much else than work, exercise and sleep, haha. Or I may at least think so after being unemployed for so long, with so many free hours per days. It's crazy how we don't appreciate the free-time we got, while we still got it. But I think that when I get used to it, I will eventually learn how to get more things into my everyday-schedule. And other than my work, I still have my dance classes. Which means tomorrow I'll be working, then dancing ballet and then it will be 06:00 PM. Home to dinner, and then good night.. haha.
Todays outfit:
Jenas, Lee Jeans
Bag, K.Cobler
Shirt, Vila Clothes
Jacket, Gerry Weber

New today..

08 July 2014, 20:50
Yes, it's my new shoes and my new baby bag!! I'm in love my friends😍😍 this was a lucky day, shopping is happiness 🙏
Hope you all have a good evening🙊
Hugs and kisses,